Refresh Driving Skills at AARP Course


“Volunteers Plant the Seed of Kindness,” said a poster. The Catholic Charities Bayside Senior Center at 221-15 Horace Harding Expressway is hosting AARP Smart Driving courses. I attended the Monday, September 19th class with an exceptional instructor, Mr. Robert L. Glover. All courses run from 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. The fee is $20 for AARP members. Non-members have a $25 fee. Future courses will be held on Monday, October 24th and Monday, November 14th.  To register, contact Mrs. Irene Cheung, Coordinator at 718 225-1144 or at Pre-registration is required.

“We are volunteers,” said instructor Glover. “Giving back to the community is our goal. The AARP course helps you drive longer. Car insurance payments are reduced to 10 % for the first three years. You may be eligible to reduce as many as four points on your driving record. Point reduction can only be credited once every 18 months.”

Instructor Glover and AARP class

Instructor Glover explained that “we teach defensive driving techniques. Our safety strategies are proven. There are new traffic laws and rules of the road. No tests have to be passed.” Mr. Glover served the military for four years and military reserve for 17 years. His teaching style made the course enjoyable. He accomplished his purpose of instructing us on new rules of driving.